


Signal Peptide Prediction

SwissProt version 44, released on July 5, 2004, contained 11,072 human proteins. Of these proteins 716 are annotated as having an experimentally verified signal peptide and 1,432 are annotated as potential signal peptides. Taken together these 2,148 proteins correspond to 24\% of all human proteins in SwissProt. On September 30, 2004, the IPI Database contained 46,988 human proteins. Assuming that the fractions of signal peptide containing proteins in SwissProt and the human genome are similar, and therefore the total number of signal carrying proteins in the human genome is in the order of 12,000, hence approximately 10,000 signal carrying proteins still need to be annotated. To identify and annotate the signal peptides in the human genome, computational methods are essential. They are needed to identify and annotate proteins of the secretory pathways and they are useful in identifying annotations that are unreliable or incorrect.


Bei einer Blockchiffre wird der Klartext in Blöcke der Länge n geteilt, die durch einen Algorithmus chiffriert werden. Für längere Texte wird eine Verknüpfung der Blöcke benötigt. Hierzu gibt es vier Standardbetriebsmodi:
  • Electronic Code Book (ECB) = Elektronisches Codebuch
  • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) - Blockchiffre mit Blockverkettung
  • Cipher Feedback (CFB) - Schlüsseltextrückführung
  • Output Feedback (OFB) - Ergebnisrückführung

Design and Implementation of an Aircraft Positioning Tool using Hybrid Problem Solving Methods

Optimal positioning of aircraft at a specific airport is a very difficult problem involving the modeling of many constraints. Lufthansa AG stated this problem field for the airport Frankfurt/Main. We are presenting an approach consisting of two main parts. The development of a generic airport model (independent of Frankfurt) where the notion of logical fiberings plays a basic role. The optimization task is treated by applying modified and extended genetic algorithms.

Visual Watermarking

In the physical world watermarking did prove to be a very important tool. May that be for money where it is used to verify the authenticity or may that be for corporate letters where it is both, security and style. So it is not surprising that watermarking did also take it's way into the computer world and also onto the internet.

XOR-Encoding in Cryptography

The XOR code is a quite strange one. If used correctly (One-Time Pad) it is unbreakable. If used wrong it is very weak on the other hand. For a seminar I did some work on that topic.


A very sophisticated tool for Artificial Neural Networks. Also offers connections to Fuzzy Logic, Robotics and much more.

Teilchen im Nanobereich

Ein sehr interessantes Projekt zum Verhalten von Metallpartikeln unter Lichteinfall.
Die optischen Eigenschaften solcher metallischer Nanostrukturen weisen im Vergleich zum massiven Metall einige Besonderheiten auf. Derartige Nanopartikel absorbieren Licht des sichtbaren Spektralbereiches sehr stark, eine Eigenschaft die man von Metallen im allgemeinen nicht gewohnt ist. Normalerweise zeigen Metalle eine ausgeprägte Reflexion (Spiegel).